All Aboard! Hayrides to the Pumpkin Patch. Every weekend in October.
The Cook family welcomes you out to weekends on the farm! All October we will be running Hayrides to the pumpkin patch. Take your pick on Saturdays and Sundays between 12-6 pm. All riders get a small, fresh cup of chocolate milk from your favorite dairy cows and donut from your local orchard. All Pumpkins are only $6, no matter the size. Hayrides are also $6 and come with a donut from the local orchard (Ashton's) and small chocolate milk fresh from our farm. The Corn Maze is also open everyday this October for $5 a person.
Groups of 20 persons or more can call to schedule and reserve rides during the weekdays (248-627-3329), but weekends are open to the public; no reservation needed